DIY, Journaling, Uncategorized

Service Industry

In my last post I wrote about some insights I had discovered. Some of them have been acquired through personal life experiences. Others where taught to me by my parents and grandparents. All of them kind were kind of joined together when I began to read the book by Matthew McConaughey. Green Lights.

Today was, (to coin his frase) a green light day. I may have not pleased everyone with the work I did today but being in the service industry tips are a good indicator of the quality your work or at least your attitude that is coming across. We were slow at work today and I still did well in tips!

I know every day will not be like this one. However, it has made me take notice that having a passion to make make my customers experience the best possible experience that I can provide, will pay off. If not in cash, then in the knowledge that I did everything in my power to provide the experience they were seeking.

How did I do this? Sounds maybe a bit mainstream; but its my is my morning and evening routine! As a person with ADHD, a routine is often the biggest struggle in my life. However when I accomplish my routines, I have already gotten a release of dopamine from the feeling of being successful before I have even arrived at work!

Now this portion has been the tricky part for me. How do I please my customers without trying to make them like me? By doing the I job I know how to do to the best of my abilities anyways and not caring if my personality is too much along with the knowledge that this experience is all about how I can help my client in this moment. Lighting bolts went off in my head. It is a life altering realization for me. Hopefully this can help you as well. We’re all in this thing called life together. Hence, we’re all in some type service capacity.

DIY, Journaling

Trying new things.

Bread baked in a dish that was my grandmother’s.

In this time when the world has basically stopped; we have to stay positive. I hear this a lot. Its easier said than done. I decided yesterday that I needed to try something new. So I found a bread recipe and baked it in a dish that I was given after my grandmother passed away. It was comforting to think about the hard times she went through and knowing that she made it through a long time afterwards. I thought about how she came to see my new home. She said that she liked it. She was a busy bee and the thought of that has inspired me to find tasks to accomplish. Accomplishing tasks help boost my mood. It’s amazing that just a dish, could have so much to say.



We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle

I’ve always thought of routines as a way of stifling creativity. As I’ve grown however, I’ve begun to discover that having a routine is comforting. It allows creativity to grow when you purposely use it on regular basis. Being mindful of what serves the goals we wish to achieve; is how we change habits that aren’t helpful. I’ve discovered that when times are stressful I need to take time to review my goals and habbits more often. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject.

DIY, Organizing/ Decluttering

Minimalism in Progress

Steps Taken

  • I’ve decluttered most of my bedroom
  • I’ve put my closet in vacuum bags by season.
  • I’m using products already purchased until completely empty.
  • Learning how to cook gluten free.
  • I’ve started delegating.


  • Waking up to clutter free makes my morning much better. I wake up happy that at least in this one area I don’t have to clean.
  • Having less in my closet helps me to make a decision. If I try everything in my closet and don’t put it away immediately, I’ve way less to be overwhelmed over.
  • Using the products till empty has shown me how wasteful I’ve been. I also haven’t needed to buy many personal products for a while.
  • Learning how to take a thing out of our diets that has been making me and my family feel bad has been challenging. I like a challenge. I feel as if I’m winning when I don’t tell my kids that something I’ve made is “Mom’s health food” and they like it!
  • It’s difficult to let others do things. I feel like I should be able to do it all. I can’t. No, they won’t do it like I think it should be done. However, it gives us a sense of teamwork when we do what needs to get accomplished together. We’ve the best talks when we are working together.

I’m linking a blog that I’ve recently discovered. I thought it was inspiring and wanted to share it with you. The Minimalist Mom

side note-

I’m doing this for me. I’m not trying to make my kids or husband do this. Except for the gluten free. Doctors recommendation. I’ve found that in my quest for less anxiety that it makes sense to control what I can. Basically, that means me. I can lead by example but trying to make others think as I do is futile. Honestly, how boarding would life be if we all thought the same? Extremely in my opinion. 

Question- What activity brings you a sense of happiness?


Yeah. I don’t know what I’m doing.

Ever feel this way? I do. About half of my waking hrs. I was recently reminded. It’s not about the destination. It’s about journey. Enjoying the journey is my life goal. Even if at the moment life isn’t pleasant, there are always something that I can be grateful for in a day. I found this YouTuber (Sadia @ Pick up Limes) today and have enjoyed the pointers she gave. Maybe you will as well.

Organizing/ Decluttering


You can’t organize if you have too much to deal with. Decluttering is a freeing habit to get into. It takes a while to create the habit. I’ve just begun. Here are some things that helps me.

  1. Prioritize. What is most important to you.
  2. Declutter. Recognize the joy of one. If you need more than one, ask your self “do I use this daily or do I love it”
  3. Organize. (I prefer Macro organizing.)

4. Do a project that feels like a reward for a job well done. I like doing a Pinterest project for the specific area I’m working on. (Making pretty labels for the cabinet in my laundry room)